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Civil Service Test Questions
Spelling and Effective Writing

Test yourself with spelling and effective writing questions similar to the questions you'll find on a civil service test.

Which word is correctly spelled in the following:

1. absorbtion     absorption     absortion

2. excerpt     exerpt     exerpt

3. separate     seperate     separete

4. ubiquitous     ubiquietous     ubiquetous

5. onerous     onorous     onnorous

6. personnell     perrsonnel     personnel

7. aquire     acquire     acquir

8. parallel     parralle    pairallel

9. enginear     engineer     enjuneer

10. acount     acountt     account

Answers: 1. absorption; 2. excerpt; 3. separate; 4. ubiquitous; 5. onerous; 6. personnel; 7. acquire; 8. parallel; 9. engineer; 10. account

Can you replace these word phrases with one-word substitutes? See the answers below.

1. At this point in time

2. A large number of

3. As to whether

4. At a later date

5. At which time

6. Based on the fact that

7. Concerning the nature of

8. Despite the fact that

9. Exhibit a tendency to

10. For the purpose of

Answers:  1. Now;  2. Many;  3. Whether;  4. Later;  5. When;  6. Because;  7. About;  8. Although;  9. Tend to;  10. For

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